I have been sick for a couple of weeks with a malady of some kind. It took me to the hospital for a few days due to dehydration and extreme nausea. I am home now and wondering if I am ever going to feel well again. It always feels this way when one is sick. Like, it is the end of this life because it is never going to go away. But, it probably will and I will forget about it. Hmmmm. It is not the best time to be sick, especially since I am not ready for Christmas. But, it looks like Christmas outside! It is in the 20's with snow and sleet. Pretty dramatic since it was in the 70's yesterday and many people were in short sleeves. I snapped a picture out of my patio door just to remember the occasion. It looks bleak. Still, I know that the roots go down deeper in the winter and everything gets a rest. Lord, I rest in you!